Saturday, October 15, 2011

Is Progress the opposite of Congress?

...If so, I'm proud to announce I won't be running for office!

Don't hate, but I'm going to write some more about smoking. Quitting is tedious and hilarious. I started my last smoke and my sore throat was not digging it. I smoked about half the thing and spent a few minutes staring at it in my left hand as it burned. I didn't take another drag as I decided that it ought to be my last one. I flipped the books on the cigarette again. Stared at the ashy tip and watched the snaking ribbon of red curl around the cigarette as it burned for no one's drag. Felt accomplished.

Geez Louise it's freakin' scary to think about it: RJ Reynolds has had me by the girly-balls for like six years. 'S gotten to the point where I'm like afraid to think about not smoking. It's like part of my life and shit. Just like shit! I mean, it happens! Go too long without a shit and you start to get nervous, right? (eyeroll)

To digress: Don't cigarettes make people have to poop anyway? Maybe that will help me with this umpteenth stab at Cold Turkey that I am taking currently. Perhaps that will help me to see smokers as less cool and more like .. regular people who poop. Hipsters drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes? Shitsters.

Psh, Yeah! This Works!

Tools to keep my hands occupied when I'm out at the usual haunt with the usual suspects smoking: Copper wire + beads + needle-nose pliers. I dig making earrings. I can just make a ton of 'em and keep my paws busy.

In the past I've asked to just hold an unlit cigarette for a while. I've asked friends if I can flick their cigarette for them, without taking a drag - just to do that.. and it really helped.

True: As a smoker, if I can kick this damn habit I can Actually do anything. (except ride a Velociraptor in the night)

True: Austin = hipster-swarm. Being a nonsmoker, I will own one of the few precious ironies most hipsters fail at embodying no matter how hard they try not to try.


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