Sunday, October 2, 2011

First thing, Second post, 24 hours in.

The inspiration to start this evolving project came to me yesterday as I considered quitting smoking.

I know a lot about quitting, since I've tried and tried.. but I'm ready to be proud of myself for something, and I'm starting with The Big One. I'm going to have to much on a few gummi bears as I type this up. (Distract! Replace with sugar!)

Society loathes The Smoker: The smoker is an asshole. The smoker pollutes everyone's environment, the smoker has no regard for his own life, the smoker is dirty for smoking and is representative of The Riff-Raff Of The World. This image of the smoker has actually helped me feel more like ass for having continued to smoke. I've had a few devil-may-care moments, but I am (was? can I say was yet? It's been 24 whole hours!) the type to light up alone and then feel a little guilty. I know what I've been doing to myself.

It's true that smokers are excellent at manipulating themselves. Hang around one in the process of quitting cold turkey and just wait. A red light makes her late: She's already screwed, she might as well pick up a pack of smokes and hop back on the 'nicotrain'. A break-up: Oh you're definitely going to start smoking again.

** Turn the cravings and frustration around on the tobacco companies. Be angry with them for having such a hold on you in the first place! Here you have an outlet for the irritation, and  it's a healthy one!

** Every time you don't buy a pack of cigarettes, write down how much money you're not spending, and reward yourself with something once in a while (but don't exceed the $ you've not spent on smokes).

** Always be aware that a smoker's day is a stressful one. Smoking and stress are like sex and the morning after. Don't stress: Be joyful!! You're not making the walk of shame back to your apartment from the corner store with a pack of camels.

** Don't complicate it. If you wonder, "How do nonsmokers DO this? How can you just Not smoke after you eat?", then just... don't smoke. That's how they do it.

This blog is about digging it , getting the most delicious juju out of this wig-wag world, and it starts within. So here we begin: with the nicotine nix.

...about 10 gummi bears in, and about 8 cigarettes I've not smoked today, So far so good. I want to do this, so I suspect it'll be easier than previous attempts.

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