Monday, October 3, 2011

The danger zone

This is my largest challenge for not smoking: My haunt. The patio bar where I sit attempting to do homework.

 Homework is on hold because I'm having serious hesitations with this non-smoking thing. This place IS Where To Smoke. I don't think I can make it here.  Can you forgive me?  I'll do it.. eventually.

I'm rationalizing, crap: What if I only smoke here? What if I never buy them again, and I only bum like one smoke every time I come here?  Can I actually do that!? 

...Yes, apparently. OOgh. That first damn drag. ...It's suuch a drag. ><

Lowered half macy, ah lack tis Pail Mail.

Hey, Vonnegut smoked these..

..I'll get back to you on this failed endeavor. 

I best not let it ruin my juju to Try. I won't let it! That's another fault of those of us trying to quit: We don't forgive ourselves for slipping up. One slip and it's, "Oh hell, I've failed. I'm upset with myself now. I'm a loser, I might as well buy a pack." No, nooo! Wrong idea.

I'm going to Enjoy this cigarette and I'm going to let it go.

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