Friday, August 22, 2014

that luxurious chardonnay lasted two hours

"I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love."  ...on the picnic table outside Kip's.

I'm with a man who gets drunk and quotes poetry on a picnic table with a red Sharpie he keeps in the kitchen uniform he's worn straight from work to the bar. Life is good.

I want to be alone and not surrounded by tourists or coworkers, so 4PM finds me at the bar I left just 14 hours ago.
Caught up with my sister earlier. From her concerned words I could easily gather that the whole family is worried about me. Sometimes, I worry too, but most of the time I live happily an exhilarated life.
At 26, if I were to be hit by a dumb tourist looking for elk in his Escalade, on my bike broken and bleeding out on the Sun Road half a mile from Rising, I suspect I would feel content with the life I'd chosen to live. I don't ever wish I had stayed at home studying political science, going to frat parties and meticulously selecting nailpolish at the CVS.

Quoth Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits, "Slippin' and slidin', hey life's a rollerball."

That there is such ignorance and illiteracy in this country baffles me. Y'know, how people like text each other from the same room while they're both in it? Yeah.

Living in MT for so long now has made me feel like I'm becoming more authentic all the time. Practical. Down to earth, with less and less patience for trivial bullshit despite my naturally patient demeanor... Cut to the chase, don't be an idiot, leave me be if I ask you to.

The east coast is hell on my psyche after so much Montana, and while I look back romantically on my years in Austin I don't think I'd go back to stay.

So my family's worried about me, but I'm perfectly alright up here.
I think they've just had a hard time watching me slip away. For 15 months now I've been entirely out of their reach - not an hour's drive away, but 2500 miles away. I've had some serious hardships but I've been learning more than I ever expected to, and blossoming this summer into something really Content.

Missoula is a beautiful little city, and working in Glacier is a phenomenal way to spend the summer - are you kidding? I've made solid, good friendships, met such a kind (and smokin' hot) man, and I could turn a corner and see a bear at any given moment.
I relish in the moments I come to remember where I live, and how, relative to the 9-to-5ers posting on Facebook about their new washer/dryer. I don't mean to come across like an asshole - there are plenty of times when I want a more secure setup. I've just been hitting the gas and feeling defiant for about 8 years now - shifting around every 4-8 months or so. I can't recall my old address in San Antonio - sometimes I forget that I even lived there.

Quoth The Beatles:
"Oh that magic feeling - nowhere to go."

SO! Writing workshops.

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